![]() 01/26/2015 at 11:05 • Filed to: SUCK IT COLD, MERCURY, OIL CHANGE, JEEP, COMMANDER, MILAN, MONTEGO, COLD | ![]() | ![]() |
We had a temporary bonus 10 degrees on Saturday, so to the garage I went! It was a balmy 36 degrees out when I started work and it was just in time for oil changes and I knew my wife's 08 Jeep Commander was dripping a bit of oil on the driveway. I suspected the drain plug, since I even marked on her oil change sticker it needed a new gasket on next change.
Damn was I right. Here's the pics of her new vs old drain plugs sitting on the rear of the Montego:
For the record, this Jeep only has 65k miles on it. There is pretty much zero gasket left on this thing and no, it wasn't on the oil pain either, it just disintegrated.
So that oil leak should be all handled.
To avoid some of the cold (and more importantly the wind) I was able to nose the Milan and the Jeep into the garage on the ramps so the front ends of them were safe from the wind. There's currently too much stuff stored in the garage to fit a second vehicle, hoping for a shed this summer to make that happen.
Here's the Milan on ramps after finishing up it's change, check out all dat Mercury!
Guy I bought the Montego from years ago gave me those random insulation board pieces, they work great to lay on if you don't have a creeper.
What say you OPPO - did you let the cold keep you down?!
![]() 01/26/2015 at 11:08 |
it was -11 when I woke up in a cabin to go bore holes in the ice. The only thing the cold was keeping down was the fish. Got one chub and one pickerel. 0 trout
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I didn't get anything done on the Ranchero - instead, it was a project weekend for other stuff. Stripping extraneous stuff off Land Rover and Range Rover axles so we could put them on a storage rack and inventory our leaf springs (8 axles). Said rack is currently out of doors, but should be under cover in a month or so.
![]() 01/26/2015 at 11:10 |
daaamn that sucks. I actually shouldn't sound so "tough guy" I insisted on doing the oil changes saturday because sunday was going back to the teens in wind chill.
I still would have done it if i had to, but there's not reason to add to the cold if you don't need to.
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OTOH, my dad ended up replacing a radiator in my grandmother's Caravan, and somebody else replaced the passenger side electric door lock actuator... and there was a Hyundai belonging to a family friend in for road noise diagnosis. So "just axles" was just me.
![]() 01/26/2015 at 11:12 |
hahaha nice.
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Great idea to use the insulation boards. Keeps the cold off your body. Ding, ding, ding. You win the innovative idea award.
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Best quote of the day was after I set fire to a Metalastik(R) rubber bushing with a torch.. twice. "I work in a *carbon processing plant*, and I can tell you the air in here is *bad*!" One of the link bushings on the Rangie front axle had the inner sleeve fuse to the through-bolt, so fire was the only way.
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I must give the credit to the previous owner of the Montego. I wanted to crawl under the Montego before purchasing (obvious reasons) and he said hold on use this, tossed it on the ground for me and i've been using it ever since. He was a contractor so he always had them around.
![]() 01/26/2015 at 11:28 |
I was all set to work on a couple of things saturday in the "warm." I went out to the Wagon and turned the key, "click click" battery was dead. Ok, no problem, I should probably work on the tune for the wife's '67 Cutlass. Turn the key in that I and don't even get a click. Brought both batteries inside and put them on charge and just washed my truck instead. The cold always wins.
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that'll happen. Sometimes fire is the only answer.
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Don't you Canadians warm up your cars with maple syrup or something?
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I got my mayhew stud extractor in but alas was too busy to pull the 250 in the shop and get started on it. Took my CCL course Saturday, which ate that dat almost entirely up.
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I would have but I drank it all for breakfast.
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I thought there was just another faucet attached to your sinks that dispensed it? Like a public utility.
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Well that's a valuable use of time.
When I have the spare cash to buy a gun, I'll be following those footsteps.
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Only in Quebec.
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It was a freezing cold 55 degrees when I woke up yesterday. Knowing that if I didn't brave the extremes at that moment, the new rhinoliner on the bottom of Charlie wouldn't have time to set before my brother decided to use it. It was tough, but I got the job done. Luckily, it warmed up a bit and I was able to take my shoes off by the time I brushed the surface rust that formed since I cleaned the bottom.
![]() 01/26/2015 at 11:40 |
And the fridge's dispense an option of Labatt Blue or Molsen instead of water right?
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That's t he lubrication.
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Weather was nice this weekend so I went to my lawyer's house to work on his Miata that hadn't run in seven months. I put in a new alternator and battery. Fresh oil change, spark plugs and air filter. Thing runs like a dream and I was payed handsomely. No complaints here!
![]() 01/26/2015 at 11:46 |
Sounds like a win-win!
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Here in northern quebec, we can't let the cold keep us down, we would get nothing done. So far all of January it has been super cold about -40 every other day.
I changed my front rotors and brakes last weekend. Used 1 inch foam insulation as a creeper also.
![]() 01/26/2015 at 12:18 |
God damn that's cold. I like having all 4 seasons, i sincerely do (my family lives in South Carolina now, it's 60 degrees there right now...and they're wearing coats) but that's nuts.
and awesome about the insulation.
![]() 01/26/2015 at 12:26 |
Well after taking the course($65 and so easy anyone with half a brain could pass it), I was informed that Ks is trying to pass a bill to allow it without a CCL, so I might just finish getting it to say I have it.
![]() 01/26/2015 at 12:32 |
Well I could buy a gun and just not carry it with me, keep it in the house, or lock it up and take to the range.
I'll just wait until I get the cash around to get a CCL and a gun at the same time. The CCL isn't the high-cost barrier to entry haha. I'm sure I could pass it with ease, I am quite proficient with hand guns from trips to the range.
![]() 01/26/2015 at 12:36 |
I'm sure you could. It's really really easy.
![]() 01/26/2015 at 12:45 |
we do have all 4 seasons, we just do it more extreme than others.
I am in Rouyn-Noranda , we have longer winters, and cooler summers than you guys. This year is insane. Winter started basically mid november, normally starts mid dec. We got so much snow that I have no place left to put it. I don't know about you guys but snow here stays all winter, and starts to melt 1st week of april. out summers are normalish, june-july-august.
Yes we need air conditioning in summer.
![]() 01/26/2015 at 13:25 |
lol, yeah, it's probably the thing i'm least stressed about other than having to sit in a class all day.
![]() 01/26/2015 at 13:27 |
Yeah sounds a lot like our weather, but you get it colder. Our snow (I'm outside Detroit) last typically until late march-ish. BTW you're just about 600 miles north of me.
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hehe only 600, I'm about 300 from montreal, and way different climate than here. I'm guessing montreal climate is closer to yours.
P.s I have many 10 feet tall snow banks in my yard. FU snow....
I will try to take a picture of my jeep tj with a lift kit and 35's. I don't use it in the winter, but it looks like it has no tires and no lift.
![]() 01/26/2015 at 13:56 |
haha, last year when we broke records for detroit area snow fall (which are probably a joke to you guys, are at a minimum your standard/average year) we were just under 100 inches of snowfall. I definitely had 8 and 10 foot snow piles in my yard last year.
![]() 01/26/2015 at 14:02 |
entirely the worst part of it.